I am known by some of my friends to be a bag addict and a shoe addict :-) I think this addiction comes from my first job after leaving school at the age of 15, I worked in the office of a family owned shoe shop in Rockhampton and my addiction started, in those days everybody had a matching bag for their shoes. Mon-Fri I worked in the office and on Sat mornings I helped out selling shoes. My first take home weekly wage was $19.65/week, I was able to pay board, save some money and also manage to buy things, MOST things I bought was always on lay-by (everybody used lay-bys in those days), there were no credit cards available so when I purchased items for my "glory box", or clothes, or material to make clothes, or presents etc etc it all went on lay-bys, paying 50 cents a week. I managed to get by quite nicely. Something teenagers and young adults today couldn't possibly do because they have to have it "NOW". Anyway my addiction for shoes and bags continue and luckily today I earn quite a bit more and can afford to pay for my purchases on my credit card. My husband and I have ALWAYS worked to a budget and don't buy things "willy, nilly" . We have one rule though, I am paid monthly so each month the credit card is paid in full and we never pay any interest. I am really digressing from my post today :-) Voila - this is my new bag, it's a
Louenhide bag, I now have 4 Louenhide bags, I have a red plait Poppet, a Black plait Poppet, my newest is a red plait Barrel and I also purchased a Raspberry Barrel along with this one last week. If you are interested, click on Louenhide, Products and then click on "Sale", this is the best of all - I LOVE the word "sale"
LOL :-)

Have a lovely Monday