Nara Deer Park, just a warning - this post is HEAVY with photos...….. I know all my Japan posts have lots of photos but this one at Nara Deer Park have a lot....
Our day started early as we had to catch 2 trains to arrive at Nara from Osaka. As we purchased a Green Card (Executive class) JR Pass for our travel throughout Japan you can book seats in advance or on the day of travel, however as their is usually only 1 Green carriage per train it's best to book a couple of days prior to enable priority seating. The trains are so comfortable and luxurious. This is a photo inside the train, they recline and also have a foot rest and a table, you are allowed to eat on these trains, you can bring your own food or buy Bento's from the food outlets at the station, but if you're running late and I stress allow to be early as these trains leave ON TIME.... Love young ladies
come through with a trolley to purchase food, hot & cold beverages. They also come through with a large bag collecting rubbish before reaching your destination.
The seating allocation is displayed to find easily
Nara train station
This large poster was at the train station displayed with the date
So these next few photos will give you a bit of a giggle...….. Me trying to get a selfie with a deer, bahahahaha…..
Ummmmm, this little fellow nearly ate my scarf
So finally I asked Sandra to take a photo with me and a deer
How cute does this little guy look under the Sakura blooms
Sandra and I under the Sakura blooms
So this guy (most people) purchased bags of deer crackers, we did NOT buy any crackers after seeing so many people being harassed by the deer if you have crackers, they can smell them from a long way and won't leave you alone if you have them. They could still smell them on him and wouldn't leave him alone...….. I saw a few people just throw the crackers on the ground and run..... hahahah They can be a little vicious so you have to be very careful, I witnessed one lady was feeding about 5 deer and she used all the crackers, she turned her back on them and one little guy bit her on the butt, she wasn't happy, it must have hurt, so my tip here is DON'T feed the deer and if you do, don't turn your back on them. Another tip, the deer will eat anything, for example, maps, clothing, anything so ensure to have all your belongings inside a zipped bag....
A sign...….
This is Todai-ji Temple
These are the BIG gates you walk through before reaching the shrine
This stone monument is saying about the World Heritage Listed Todai - ji Shrine which was put in place in 1948.
A lovely lake near the Shrine
Another photo of the lake
Two little cuties
Little buggies you can hire people to ride you around
This lady was selling large cooked sweet potatoes
the trees.
This sign on the back of a toilet door at Nara Park gave me a laugh with the English translation, "Please do not FLASH"...…. hahahahaha
After our BIG day walking around for hours we enjoyed a lovely fresh salad roll, pastry and a hot coffee at a French Patissiere café at the train station waiting for our train to take us back to Osaka.
All this only cost J.Y691 (incl. tax), equal to about A$8.75, so cheap, very fresh and delicious.
Now back at Osaka train station, on our way to catch the loop train back to Temma station, this was the first time for us to see escalators like this, there are 3 sections to them, first going down,
Third section, going down again, it was a long way down so I guess they would have been too steep to go down in one section.
Walking from Temma station back to our Hotel are several of these man hole covers in the road with Osaka Castle on them, they are very pretty.
Those deer can be very pushy! They are spoiled by all the tourists with crackers.