Today I am bringing along Jessie May to Melody's Picnic, I love this pattern, over the years I have made a total of 10 Jessie May's and give away 6 family and friends, I have made them in different colours (button hair and dresses), 3 of the 10 are Brown Jessie May's, and a few of them have raggy hair, I prefer the button ones, it takes many hours to sew all the buttons on the head though. This particular Jessie May I entered into the Caboolture show 7 years ago and she won 1st prize, I was so excited, this is the very first time I put some items in a show, I entered 5 items and I won 2 firsts and 3 seconds. I have found it difficult to give away this Jessie May, the very first Jessie May I made my myself is in dark pink/maroon colours, I shall bring her to the picnic in the future.
