I hope you all had a lovely relaxing Australia Day spent with family and or friends.
We had a quiet one at home ion the aircon so I took the opportunity and stitched my "Love Is" BOM Block 2 completing it. When I took this photo I had the border to finish and I did this last night watching TV. I'm very happy with what I accomplished, now I can start on Block 3.

Do you have any Australia Day traditions? Mine is to make Damper and we gobble it all up while it is still warm. This is a photo of my damper straight from the oven.
We enjoyed it with Apricot conserve and a lovely home made flat white using my Jura coffee machine. Very delicious.
Today, 27th January is my Dad's Birthday, he would have turned 85 today, this photo was taken of him on his 81st Birthday. The good Lord took him in May of the same year.