My Tuesday Treasure today is sharing my "Weight Loss Journey" to date, it is now just over 13 weeks since I started this journey and I am very happy with my progress, I have now lost 11.3kgs and it hasn't been difficult, my goal is to lose a total of 22-24 kgs so I am around the half way mark of my goal. Two weeks ago we were on annual leave and had a couple of meals out and not the usual 6 protein meals a day every day which I should be having, it is difficult when you are out and about however I still lost 200 grams for the week and was quite pleased, any loss is good. Last week starting on Monday (first day back at work) I decided to do my walking in the mornings before breakfast as it is now getting too hot in Queensland to be walking at lunch time which I was doing before I had a week off. So now I head out about 6.30am and go up to the Botantical Gardens (in Brisbane CBD) and back to the office around 7.15am, then have breakfast. I was hoping for a 1kg loss last Saturday for the week and when I hopped onto the scales Saturday morning I was so very excited, I had lost a whopping 1.8kgs, WOOHOO.... I was so happy. We now have 5-1/2 weeks to Christmas and I am hoping to lose around 4kgs up to Christmas Eve which will make me very happy if I can achieve this. That way IF I put on a little bit over the Festive Season it gives me a bit of a buffer.
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Melody and see you else is sharing Tuesday Treasures.