Sharing Tuesday's treasures for this week was most definately Mother's Day spent with my family, my two beautiful girls, Kate and Rebecca, as they both now live in Brisbane I only see them now and then. They came on Saturday morning and spent the weekend with us and I treasured every minute of it.
The first photo of my two girls and me.

Stephen (hubbie), Kate and I.

Stephen, Rebbecca and I

Kate making scrambled eggs for brekkie.

My Mother's Day brekkie

This beautiful card and coffee cup from Kate

Kate gave me this beautiful Thomas Sabo bracelet for Christmas with the "K" and for Mother's Day my two girls gave me the gorgeous little red shoe.

We had the most wonderful day together, it went way too fast and it seemed in no time my girls had to leave to go home, I had tears in my eyes saying goodbye not know when I will see them again.............
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Melody's to see who else is sharing Tuesday Treasures.