Two of the special people in my life had Birthday's in April, first Birthday early April is my BFF's Birthday
Vicki is always making cakes for everyone's Birthday's, she is what I call "the Birthday cake maker", so I made a Birthday cake for her Birthday which she was thrilled about. I managed to find her a "cupcake" Birthday card along with a "cupcake" scratchie ticket from the Newsagents. Plus a couple of "cake boss" icing and cookie cutters to use in her baking.
I also made her this bag which she loves, I made one in the same pattern for a Christmas BLOG swap which I showed to Vicki and she loved it so my "ah ha" light blub moment went on and I made one for her Birthday.
Vicki about to cut her cake..
The second Birthday in April, the middle of the month is my SIL's Birthday. Last winter Kate mentioned to me he constantly complains about not having a blanket long enough for him to sunggle under in winter whilst watching TV. Soooo my "light bulb" moment went off and I decided to make him a patchwork quilt for his Birthday this year. I went with the good 'ol "disapearing nine patch" pattern which I have made a few times and it always looks great. Plus I have the pattern down pat now and it's not such a daunting task to undertake. Earlier this year I checked out the web sites for fabric on line at "The Fat Quarter Shop" and "The Missouri Star Quilt Shop", two of my favourites in the US to buy fabric. I found this great Star Wars fabric and so Josh's "Star Wars" quilt was ticking away in my head.

Sandwiching the quilt on the spare bed in the back room. I used to do it on the tiles however that's not great for the knees or the back so now do it on the bed which is much better on my knees and back.
Doing some very easy quilting on the "Star Wars" quilt.
Attaching the binding using the machine quilting method, this saved me hours of hand sewing. I use this method when putting binding on the ADF quilts I have made in the past, it's so much more durable for guys. I used a decorative zig zag stitch, it looks nice and keeps it all together well.
Ta Da....... this is the finished "star Wars" quilt for Josh, it's larger than a single size but not a double size. I just love the colours and the small amounts of orange which just "pop" in the quilt. I used the orange as the middle block in the centre of the nine patch.....
This is the quilt label on the back of the quilt.
I asked Kate to sneak a photo of Josh under his quilt, he hates having his photo taken and wouldn't pose with it when I gave it to him. Kate said he loves it and it's a great size for him to snuggle under. Oh good, my job is done...........
So, I came across this on FB and told him - it's on order as a belated Birthday pressie. LOL LOL
Of course I haven't, he just said - oh no, you haven't........
Cheers everyone