WOOHOO !!! CONGRATULATIONS Betty, do yourself a favour and check out the web site of
"MRS. ECHIDNA'S DILEMMA" . I was part of the "Train companions" Betty mentions under the heading "The Book" on the web site. We taught each each and encouraged each other with projects. I taught Betty Candle Wicking and Betty taught me Brazilian Embroidery on our many train travels to and from Narangba to Brisbane CBD for a LOT of years. Needless to say I watched as Betty did the embroidery for the quilt which evolved into the book, when I moved to Tweed Heads (now commuting to work by car) Betty would send me e-mails with the photos of her latest completed blocks. I receive the "Country Bumpkin" weekly newsletters and Saturday's e-mail had an article of Betty's "Mrs. Echidna's Dilemma" .
